AP Biology Course Materials
This course includes a review of the major topics recommended by the College Board AP Biology course. Please check for most recent AP course expectations and description at https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/
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AP Bio Course at a Glance
AP Biology Course and Exam Description (CED) effective Fall 2019
AP Bio Formula Sheet (will be provided on the exam)
Using AP Classroom resources for review and practice
Prefix, Suffix, Root Word list
AP Bio Formula Sheet (will be provided on the exam)
Science Practices on the AP Exam
Slide deck: Graphing Skills in AP Biology
Slide deck: Graphing Rate of Change
Slide deck: Intro to Biostatistics
Practice: Graphing review and Practice Sheet
Practice: Graph and Data Analysis Questions
Review: Graph Choice Chart
Review: Tips for Using Google Sheets for Graphing
Review: Graphing and Error Bars on Google Sheets
Review: Mathematics and Statistics in Biology (HHMI Resource)
Inquiry-based Laboratory Investigations in AP Biology Overview
AP Biology Lab Manual from CB
The Nature of Scientific Inquiry
Lab Safety and Proper Technique
Experimental Design in AP Biology - Main Vocab and Concepts
Slide deck: Experimental Design
Experimental Design Review sheet with additional links
Practice: Experimental Design Packet
Practice: Science Practices Review Packet
Practice: Experimental Design and Science Skills Practice Questions from past AP exams
Review: Generating APA Style Citations
Review: Using Models in Science
Review: Argumentation in Science_Writing a CER
Review: Metric Conversion
Review: Significant Figures
Enrichment: The Nature of Scientific Inquiry: R. Ross Nobel Prize Lecture on the Discovery of the Malarial Parasite (Original Paper)
FRQ Helpful HInts
Slide deck: FRQ Power Words
Practice FRQs
Practice Questions By Unit (Review Guides)
Experimental Design Packet
Statistics in Biology Packet
Genetics Practice Packet
Heredity Practice Packet
Hardy-Weinberg Practice Packet
Population Ecology Practice Packet
Computation Questions by Unit Practice Packet
AP Bio Review Resources By Unit
Additional Review Resources for AP Biology
Unit 1 Vocab list and Study Guide
Chapter 1 Slide deck: Big Themes/Ideas in AP Biology
Chapter 2 Slide deck: The Chemical Context of Life
Chapter 3 Slide deck: Water and Life
Chapter 4 Slide deck: Importance of Carbon
Chapter 5 Slide deck: Biological Macromolecules
Chapter 8 (partial) Slide deck: Enzymes
Practice: Amino Acids Sketchnote
Practice: Concord Protein Folding Virtual Activity
Practice: Set 1 Questions
Practice: Set 2 Questions
Lab 1: Water (Descriptive Statistics)
Lab 2: Transpiration (Experimental Design, Percentage Change)
Lab 2: Transpiration Lab Info Slides
Lab 3: Enzyme Activity Simulation
Review Guide: Unit 1
Review: Macromolecules
Review: Relevance of Chemistry in Biology
Enrichment Article: Difference between sugar and sweeteners
Unit 2 Vocab List and Study Guide
Chapter 6 Slide deck: Tour of a Cell
Chapter 7 Slide deck: Membrane Structure and Function
Practice: Analyzing Evidence_ A theory on the Origins of Eukaryotic Cells
Lab 4: Cell Size, Diffusion and Osmosis 3-part Investigation
Review Guide: Unit 2
Review: Cell Membrane Sketchnote Sheets
Enrichment: Stem Cells - Reality vs Controversy
Enrichment Article: Membranous Organelles in Bacteria
Enrichment Article: Mitochondrial Evolution
Enrichment Article: The shape-shifting blobs that shook up cell biology
Apply/ Enrichment: New Imaging Tools
Unit 3 Vocab List and Study Guide
Chapter 8 Slide deck: Introduction to Metabolism
ATP Hydrolysis Simulation
Slide deck: Graphing Rate of Change
Enzyme Simulations
Lab 5: Enzyme Lab with Yeast Spheres
Slide deck: Overview of PS and CR
Chapter 9 Slide deck: Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration: Accounting Simulation
Chapter 10 Slide deck: Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis Simulation
Slidedeck: Connecting Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Lab 6: Factors affecting Photosynthesis (Inquiry, rate of reaction, CER)
Practice: Photosynthesis Factors Simulation Lab
Review Guide: Unit 3
Review: Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis Foldables
Apply/Enrichment: Digestion, Absorption, and the Role of Enzymes
Enrichment: Oxygenation of Earth due to Rise in Photosynthesis (and other articles from BioNinja - bookmark site for review)
Unit 4 Vocab List and Study Guide
Chapter 11 Slide deck: Cell Communication
Slide deck on Exploring Signal Transduction: Examples to be familiar with
Chapter 12 Slide deck: The Cell Cycle
Lab 7: Cell Communication Project
Review Guide: Unit 4
Review: Cell Communication Overview
Review: Mechanism of Cell Communication
Review: Examples of Cell Communication
Review: Cell Cycle, Division, and Regulation
Article: Cell Cycle Checkpoints Review
Enrichment/ Practice: Modeling Action Potential
Enrichment/ Practice: How Cholera affects Cell Signaling
Apply/ Enrichment: The Cancer Breakthrough Boom
Unit 5 Vocab list and Study Guide
Chapter 13 Slide deck: Meiosis
Chapter 14 Slide deck: Mendelian Genetics
Chapter 14 Part 2 Slide deck: Pedigree Analysis
Chapter 15 Slide deck: Chromosomes
Lab: Mitosis and Meiosis Lab (Modeling, Chi-square analysis)
Lab Slide deck: Mitosis and Meiosis
Lab: Genetics Fly Lab (Artificial Selection, Mendelian Ratios, Chi-Square Analysis)
Practice: Punnett Squares and Pedigree Analysis Problems
Practice: Hypothesis Testing
Practice: CER using Karyotypes
Review Guide: Unit 5
Review: Genetics Concepts - Utah Genetics
Review: Pedigree Analysis of Mendelian Traits
Review: Guide to Pedigree Symbols
Review: Genotyping Pedigrees
Review: Genetic Disorders Exploration
Enrichment Article: Case study of SOD1 mutation in a family with ALS
Apply/ Enrichment: Significance of extra chromosomes in cancer
Enrichment: Genetics Bookshelf
Unit 6 Vocab list and Study Guide
Chapter 16 Slide deck: DNA, Replication
Chapter 17 Slide deck: Gene Expression
Modeling Central Dogma
Chapter 18 Slide deck: Regulation of Gene Expression
Chapter 27 Slide deck: Prokaryotes
Chapter 19 Slide deck: Viruses
Chapter 20 Slide deck: Biotechnology
Chapter 21 Slide deck: Genomes
Practice: Gene Expression and Mutations
Practice: Eurkaryotic Gene Regulation Mechanisms
Lab 10: Bacterial Transformation Overview Slide deck
Lab 10: Bacterial Transformation Quick Guide
Lab 10: Bacterial Transformation Lab Analysis Questions
Lab 11: Taste of Genetics Student Guide
Lab 11: Taste of Genetics Slide deck
Lab 11: Taste of Genetics Analysis Questions
Lab 11 Analysis: Gel Electrophoresis Standard Curve Worksheet
Project: Applications of Biotech
Review Guide: Unit 6
Review: Gene Regulation
Review/ Enrichment: DNA from the Beginning_Historical Experiments
Review Article: Meselson and Stahl on how DNA replicates
Article Review: Plants between light and darkness (Units 3, 5, 6, 7)
Enrichment Article: Watson and Crick_Guided Paper_April 1953
Enrichment Article: Rosalind Franklin original paper April 1953 (same issue of Nature)
Enrichment Article: Watson and Crick_Guided_Paper_May 1953
Enrichment Article: Why do some embryos fail to develop during IVF?
Enrichment Article: Role of MicroRNAs in Gene Regulation
Infographic Visualizing Bacteria
Enrichment Article: Origin of Introns
Enrichment Article: Mechanism of post-transcriptional repression by miRNA (Practice Data Analysis, Argumentation)
Enrichment Article: Epigenetics and plant phenotypic plasticity
Enrichment: Genetics and Molecular Biology Career Connection
Enrichment Article: Lipid Nanoparticles deliver mRNA vaccine to cells
Enrichment Article: Biofabrication
Unit 7 Vocab list and Study Guide
Chapter 22 Slide deck: Descent With Modification
Slide deck: Evidence for Evolution
Slide deck: Hominin Evolution
Chapter 23 Slide deck: Evolution of Populations - Hardy Weinberg Law
Chapter 24 Slide deck: Speciation
Chapter 25 Slide deck: History of Life on Earth
Chapter 26 Slide deck: Phylogeny
Practice: Worked out Sample Hardy-Weinberg problems
Practice: Biochemical Homology
Practice: Amino Acid Sequence Homology and Evolutionary Relationships
Practice: Cytochrome C Molecular Homology
Practice: Problems using Hardy-Weinberg Equations
Lab 12: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (Modeling, Computation)
Lab 13: BLAST worksheet
Review Guide: Unit 7
Review: Evolution Digital textbook from UC Berkeley
Review: Understanding the Hardy-Weinberg Equation
Review: Constructing and Analyzing Cladograms
Enrichment: OneZoom Tree of Life
Enrichment Article: Penguin loss of flight_adaptation or de-evolution_
Enrichment Article: The evolution of sour taste
Enrichment Article: Selection of a body size variant in dog species
Unit 8 Vocab list and Study Guide
Chapter 51 Slide deck: Animal Behavior
Chapters 52, 55 Slide deck: Ecosystem Ecology
Chapter 53 Slide deck: Population Ecology
Chapter 54 Slide deck: Community Ecology
Chapter 56 Slide deck: Conservation Biology
Practice: Anthropogenic Impacts Data Analysis, Arguing from Evidence
Practice: Authentic Data Analysis of Climate Change Evidence
Lab 14: Simpson Diversity Index
Lab 15: Inquiry into Animal Behavior (biostatistics, experimental design)
Lab 15: Animal Behavior Lab Reading
Review Guide: Unit 8
Review: Ecological Succession
Review Article: eDNA review 2015
Enrichment Practice: Modeling Factors contributing to temperature and climate
Enrichment Practice: Modeling Feedback Loops that influence Climate
Enrichment: Unit 8 Bookshelf
Enrichment Article: Climate change and decline of native trout in the Rocky Mountains
Enrichment Practice: Simulating Regulations of Processes and Systems